Data Remastering

Data mastering is the process of consolidating, validating, and standardizing data from disparate sources to create a single, authoritative, and consistent master data-set. It encompasses identifying and resolving data quality issues such as duplicates, inconsistencies, and missing values, ensuring the reliability and integrity of the data for various business applications.

Data mastering services typically involve the following steps:

  1. Data discovery and profiling: The initial phase involves identifying and understanding the data sources, their structure, and the quality of the data. This may involve data profiling tools to analyze data distributions, identify patterns and anomalies, and assess data quality metrics.
  2. Data extraction and transformation: The data is extracted from various sources, such as operational systems, databases, and legacy systems. It may undergo transformation processes to clean, format, and standardize the data to a common format and schema.
  3. Data harmonization and consolidation: The extracted and transformed data is harmonized to eliminate inconsistencies and discrepancies across different sources. This may involve resolving data conflicts, resolving duplicate records, and aligning data definitions and formats.
  4. Data enrichment and augmentation: The master data-set is enriched with additional information from external sources or by applying data analysis techniques to extract meaningful insights. This may involve linking data with external reference data or applying automated machine learning algorithms to extract patterns and relationships.
  5. Data validation and quality assurance: The master data-set is thoroughly validated to ensure its accuracy, consistency, and completeness. This may involve running data quality checks, applying data profiling tools, and conducting manual data audits.
  6. Deployment and governance: The master data-set is deployed into a central repository for access and use across the organization. Data governance policies and procedures are established to ensure data quality, consistency, and accessibility over time.

Data mastering services offer several benefits to organizations:

  1. Improved data quality and reliability: Mastered data provides a single source of truth for business processes, reducing the risk of errors and inconsistencies.
  2. Enhanced data integration and analysis: Mastered data can be easily integrated with other data sources for analytics, reporting, and decision-making.
  3. Reduced data redundancy and storage costs: By consolidating and harmonizing data, organizations can eliminate redundant data and optimize storage costs.
  4. Strengthened data governance and compliance: Mastered data adheres to data governance policies and standards, ensuring compliance with regulations and data security requirements.
  5. Improved customer experience: Mastered customer data enables organizations to provide personalized and consistent experiences across different channels.
  6. Optimized business operations: Mastered data can be used to optimize supply chains, improve marketing campaigns, and make informed business decisions.

Once your data has gone through this process we can offer customized interface solutions to help make the most of what you have, and combine data to create powerful insights.